Our Purpose

The purpose of the Devine Timing Collective is to inspire and enliven awareness of the sacredness of all sentient beings, honouring each other as unique creations of the divine so that we may live happier, healthier, more meaningful lives in greater connection with ourselves, our communities and this planet.

Our Vision

The intention of this collective is for an ever-expanding community of willing and explorative individuals to journey together through their own light and dark with courageous authenticity.

This is a place for transparency, honesty, and vulnerability so that we all may learn from each other outside of any particular way of being, doing or knowing. Each individual’s uniqueness is essentially the gateway to transformation and true acceptance of the divine within us all.

My Story

In 2010 when my third child was just 6 months old I embarked on a journey that would last more than 10 years, and take me to places inside myself I never thought possible. I had returned from living overseas for many years with my husband and I was ready to reconnect with myself in a different way. I was returning to the land I was born as now a mother of 3 boys, a wife, financially secure and it looked as though I had it all. Yet my whole being still longed for more.

I spent the next decade absorbing like a sponge - 4 years of energetic healing training, Byron Katie's work, Rites of Passage for women, Core Energetics, Intentions training, Gestalt practices, one-on-one therapy and eventually co-facilitating many of these things. And of course during that time of self-discovery there were many transformations, learnings and the acquiring of skills and tools. Sitting in sacred circle with hundreds of people from all walks of life, I have come to realise one essential thing - all the wisdom I need in this life to carry me to and through my death is inside me. Every workshop, every transformational journey, every modality I signed up to learn - all the wisdom was actually already there. What I didn’t know then however was how to access that wisdom. So I showed up peeling off layer after layer until I located her. Until I knew exactly where SHE lived inside me and how to return to her. And for all those teachers, training and workshops I am forever grateful for showing me those gateways and ultimately for my ability to embody how to trust myself and my surrender.

By 2021 the world had dramatically changed. It was getting an almighty shake up and it appeared so was I. So there was no choice, just like child birth had shown me and all those transformational journeys, the only way was to feel the gateway and surrender to it. I was never really one to resist surrender as I am always seeking the truth so when 2021 hit me with the big truths about myself, I knew not to resist even if it was ultimately going to disappoint so many others. Ultimately what all those years of practice had taught me was to live my truth. So I did. I let go and I fell hard into my sticky, uncomfortable truth and it was excruciating and exhilirating.

For the next two years many things I thought would always be a part of me fell away. As any potent transformation has shown me, things will inevitably change and there will be letting go along the way. What I did absolutely learn for certain in that time was that transformation/evolution, just like the chrysalis that becomes the butterfly, was not typically comfortable, pretty or without some kind of undoing. But ultimately what I learned is that we do still get to choose how we show up in it. The willingness to transform yes takes courage but I still have a choice. Just like birth and death, it takes the will to surrender and be brave in that surrender not knowing what it will look like on the other side.

In 2021 I shed my biggest skin of all so far and it is still unfolding. My skin is still raw and the sunlight is still so bright and yes this is just another transformation, but it’s a big one. One that I am still birthing, which brings me to now. And that is why I started The Devine Timing Collective. Not because I have so much wisdom to teach but because I am still learning. Because I need other people. I need a collective of willing learners, transformers and curious ones to play with. I cannot keep thriving and growing if I don’t have people around me to do that with. To witness me and me witness them in their courage to surrender to the unknown. To witness each other in our transformations, in our light and dark and to be there without judgement. Just to be my beautiful, messy at times but always authentic self. To live my truth and live alongside others who align with the truth no matter how it shows up and how inconvenient it might be at times. And I want to support and promote other people in their truth and in their unique offerings. 

I’m first and foremost a mother raising three incredible beings and all this has ever been about for me has ultimately also been about them. I want to be the most authentic me, not the best ‘version’ of a self but just be willing tp learn and love along the way to sovereignty. I want my children to see that this is what it looks like to live your truth. That’s it. And when I come to my death I want to know surrender. Deeply, intimately know and relish surrender so that my rite of passage home is consciously blissful, even if it’s not comfortable. I want that agency in my life and in my death.

I look forward to playing with you and celebrating your truth!

Much Love